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Caltec Ag research confirms that high heat levels are more effective than fungicides to eliminate Powdery Mildew mycelium.

Provides low-cost Thermaculture® to control most insects and fungus for both row crops and narrow row vertical plantings.

Two-year replicated 'Gubler' trial of Agrothermal Systems® technology provides significant reduction in fungicide use.

Two-year study by Caltech Ag scientists shows Agrothermal Systems® heat-treatments to be equal or more effective than pesticides and at lower costs per acre
University work confirms Thermaculture® heat-treatments create higher inducible phenolics and antioxidant activity in apples.

Across varietals and regions, Agrothermal Systems® proves that use of heat sets more berries per bunch

Evaluation of trial block wines 'remarkable' says Philip Goodband, noted Master of Wine

Lake Chelan WA viticulture veteran to offer application services and expertise to regional growers.

Sustainable Agrothermal Systems Thermaculture technology improves wine, and bottom line, in challenging East Coast climate.

Noted industry veteran to lead viticultural sales efforts in North America.
BAB-Bamps to build row crop machines and PCS to market Thermaculture® to non-viticulture crops in Europe.

Heat treatment technology used to control insect and fungal infestations expands from viticulture into general produce.