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Caltec Ag research confirms that high heat levels are more effective than fungicides to eliminate Powdery Mildew mycelium.
![Agrothermal Systems Introduces New Machines for Produce](
Provides low-cost Thermaculture® to control most insects and fungus for both row crops and narrow row vertical plantings.
![Thermaculture® Proven Effective Control for Powdery Mildew](
Two-year replicated 'Gubler' trial of Agrothermal Systems® technology provides significant reduction in fungicide use.
![Thermaculture® Proven Control for Whitefly and Thrips](
Two-year study by Caltech Ag scientists shows Agrothermal Systems® heat-treatments to be equal or more effective than pesticides and at lower costs per acre
University work confirms Thermaculture® heat-treatments create higher inducible phenolics and antioxidant activity in apples.
![Thermaculture® Technology Increased 2018 Fruit Set by 24 Percent](
Across varietals and regions, Agrothermal Systems® proves that use of heat sets more berries per bunch
![Agrothermal Systems Continues to Amaze With 2017 Vintage](
Evaluation of trial block wines 'remarkable' says Philip Goodband, noted Master of Wine
![Eddie's Vineyard Management Applications Service of Agrothermal Systems in Central WA](
Lake Chelan WA viticulture veteran to offer application services and expertise to regional growers.
![Barrel Oak Winery Eliminated Miticide and Powdery Mildew Treatments, Increased Yield 30 Percent](
Sustainable Agrothermal Systems Thermaculture technology improves wine, and bottom line, in challenging East Coast climate.
![Patrick Baker Joins Agrothermal Systems as VP of Sales](
Noted industry veteran to lead viticultural sales efforts in North America.
BAB-Bamps to build row crop machines and PCS to market Thermaculture® to non-viticulture crops in Europe.
![Sustainable Chemical Alternative Takes Aim at Small Insects in Produce Crops](
Heat treatment technology used to control insect and fungal infestations expands from viticulture into general produce.